Rwanda Gorilla Safari

Considering going on a Rwanda gorilla safari it’s all about gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda if you’re seeking for an amazing adventure and the lifetime safari experience then Rwanda gorilla safaris is best for you. The spectacular hills and valleys of Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, which is home to more than a thousand mountain gorillas, can be explored by tourists. Travelers can see this critically endangered species in their natural habitat in only a handful of locations worldwide.

Visitors will see silverback gorillas on the Rwanda gorilla safari journey as they forage and live in their family groupings. It’s the stunning safari experience you won’t soon forget.

A gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda is once-in-a-lifetime chance to get up close and personal with these majestic animals in their natural setting. You will be in wonder as you watch the mountain gorillas play and interact with one another. Seeing mountain gorillas up close is simply magical.

The length of a gorilla trekking on a Rwanda gorilla safari excursion might range from 2 to 7 days, depending on the itinerary you select. The number of trekkers and the services offered as part of the tour package affect tour costs. On your trip to Rwanda gorilla safari, you can participate in a number of exciting safari activities in addition to the gorilla trekking tour, such as bird watching, walking and hiking tours through the lush rainforest, white water rafting, and kayaking along the Rwandese Nile River.

Rwanda gorilla safari is a fun and safe safari activity, but it’s important to abide by certain fundamental safety precautions to make sure that you and your party have a great hike and stay safe. Here are some basic pointers:

The gorillas shouldn’t be approached or interacted with because they are wild animals and shouldn’t be treated like pets.

Avoid taking pictures of the gorillas with their young ones since it can frighten the animals or the baby.

While you are with the gorillas, keep your voice low and refrain from making loud noises.

When you are with the gorillas, always keep food, drinks, and cameras safely by your side.

You should have a basic awareness of the laws and ordinances that control behavior around gorillas during treks before beginning your gorilla trekking excursion.

While on the Rwanda gorilla safari, you must always stay behind the guides and follow their instructions.

You must leave as soon as you’re done watching the gorillas so as not to annoy them while they’re sleeping or eating.

To prevent drawing the animals’ unwelcome attention, keep all food and drink items out of sight.

Always keep a safe distance of at least 7 metres between yourself and the gorillas during Rwanda gorilla safari.

Rwanda Gorilla trekking safari.

The Volcanoes National Park is where gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda takes place. Tourists who wish to go gorilla trekking in Rwanda are advised to first purchase their gorilla trekking permit from the Rwanda Development Board, which is the tourism board responsible for tourism. On the other hand, the gorilla trekking permit can also be obtained from a reputable tour operator.

After the receipt of your gorilla trekking permit, you must abide by additional exclusions and inclusions, such as those provided by a knowledgeable and experienced guide who can provide you with accurate information about Rwanda’s amazing gorilla trekking. Additionally, from there you will have access to a ranger who will lead you along the ideal paths in Volcanoes National Park to avoid annoyances and potentially dangerous animal species, allowing you to enjoy the wonderful gorilla trekking safari experience in Rwanda. At order to visit the gorilla families at Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, travelers must walk Mount Muhabura, Mount Gahinga, Mount Sabyinyo, Mount Bisoke, and Mount Karisimbi.

The incredible gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda astounds trekkers with spectacular views of the twin lakes of Ruhondo, Burera, and Lake Kivu. Without forgetting bird species like the handsome Francolin, African Rwenzori, marsh harrier, double collared sunbird, grey throated tit, long-crested eagle, paradise flycatcher, and many others, tourists can see animal species like chimpanzees, golden monkeys, vervet monkeys, and grey checked mangabeys.

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda begins with a briefing at the park’ headquarters at 7 am, during which you are given the rules and guidelines to go by while doing gorilla trekking safari. After a briefing, you will be divided into groups of eight people and sent into the forests of Volcanoes National Park on foot to search for gorilla families while following the gorilla trekking trails. Depending on where the gorillas are, this can take the tourists anything from 30 minutes to three hours.

The tourists are given an hour to spend with the gorillas after learning about them, during which time they can take pictures with them, observe their behavioral traits, watch how they groom one another, see their feeding habits, see how they play, and other things while in the gorillas’ enchanted company.

Only individuals that are above 15 years are permitted to go gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda.

Gorilla trekking permit on Rwanda gorilla safari.

The main prerequisite for mountain gorilla trekking in Rwanda is a gorilla trekking permit, which can be obtained from a reputable tour operator or the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), which oversees and controls all tourism-related activities in Rwanda. For anyone who wants to go gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda, a gorilla permit costs 1500 USD per person.

Best time to carry out gorilla trekking in Rwanda.

While gorilla trekking safari is possible year-round in Rwanda, the best time to do so is from June to September during the dry season. During this time, the trekking trails are usually dry, not slick, and certainly not muddy, which makes for ideal gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda.

On the other hand, gorilla trekking safari can also be done in Rwanda during the rainy season. This is because most visitors prefer to go gorilla trekking when the park is less crowded, and during the rainy season, plenty of food can be distributed throughout Volcanoes National Park, making it an easy way to go gorilla trekking since the gorillas can be spread out throughout the park, offering the best trekking safari.

Where to stay during the gorilla trekking in Rwanda.

Visitors who come to do gorilla trekking in Rwanda are constantly provided with the most relaxed lodging options that are ranged from Budget, mid-range and the luxuries as such involves Sabinyo Silver Back Lodge, Five Volcanoes Boutique hotel, Mountain Gorilla View lodge, Virunga lodge, Bisate lodge and among others of which your chosen accommodation will determine the nature of your Rwanda gorilla safari.

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