Tsavo National Park

One of the most popular places to go on a safari in Kenya is Tsavo National Park, which is located in the south-western part of the country. One of Kenya’s largest parks, Tsavo was divided into two to make management easier, creating Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park. The title “MAN EATERS OF TSAVO” refers to the lions that live in this park and are well-known for doing so.

Other animals protected in Tsavo national park include a large heard of Elephants, Buffaloes, Aardwolf, Bushbuck, cheetah, Bush babies, Dik dik, Duikers, African wild dogs, Eland, Grant’s gazelle, Bat-eared fox, Masai giraffe, hartebeest, galago, Spotted hyena, mongoose, Gerenuk, Impala, Kudu, jackal, Porcupines, Oryx, Otters, Reedbucks, Black rhinoceros, warthogs, Zebras and many other animals that call Tsavo national park their home.

Tsavo East National Park, also known as “the Theatre of the Wild,” and Tsavo West National Park, also known as “the Land of Lava, Springs, Man-Eaters, and Magical Sunsets,” were divided by the railway, but when the two parks are combined, they cover a combined area of about 23,000 square kilometers, of which Tsavo East National Park occupies 13,747 square kilometers and Tsavo West National Park takes up the remaining 9,065 square kilometers.

The River Tsavo, which runs through the park from West to East, gave it the name Tsavo National Park.

The semi-arid and savanna grassland, mountains, and forests that make up Tsavo National Park’s ecosystems provide as a habitat for a variety of animal species. The foliage of the Tsavo east and Tsavo west national parks is excellent for seeing wildlife, and the parks are home to a variety of animals, including man-eaters and other animals.

Tsavo National Park is one of the parks overseen by Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS), an organization responsible for overseeing all of Kenya’s protected parks. As a result, KWS aids in the preservation and protection of this park.

Tsavo National Park attractions

While on your Kenya wildlife trip, Tsavo National Park is a stunning safari site that is well worth a stop. The park has a lot to offer, including a variety of animal species including giraffes, elephants, hippos, impalas, kudus, giraffes, and many others.  Tsavo National Park also boasts additional breath-taking tourist attractions, such as;

Mzima springs: 

Mzima springs:  As a matter of fact, the park’s many animal species get their water from these springs. The finest places to see crocodiles and hippos in Tsavo National Park are Mzima Springs, which are located in Tsavo West National Park, which is Tsavo’s westernmost section. Vervet monkeys and other primates, including many different kinds, may be observed on the tree branches at Mzima Springs, along with a wide variety of birds.

Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary: 

This gorgeous tourist destination in Kenya is well worth a visit on your next safari since it allows visitors to get up up and personal with endangered rhinos in a sanctuary where they are being safeguarded.

On Ngulia Hill sits the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary. Visitors to the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary are rewarded with an interaction with other wildlife species that live there, such as elephants, as well as the nocturnal creatures and many other animals.

Shetani lava flow: 

Shetani lava flow:  Tourists are delighted with an interaction with many animal and bird species when viewing shetani lava.

Galana River:

Located in the eastern region of Tsavo National Park, more especially in Tsavo East National Park, the Galana River originates from the Kenyan highlands. Many creatures frequent the Galana River, especially in the dry season and under the scorching heat. Straight from Kenya’s highlands to the Indian Ocean is the Galana River. Be sure to see a variety of creatures, such as crocodiles, hippos, and other species, when visiting the Galana River.

Yatta plateau: 

This stunning highlight of the park may be located in the eastern portion of Tsavo National Park. The Yatta plateau, which is situated between the Tavi and Athi rivers, was created by lava flow.

Lugard falls:

Located along the River Galana, these magnificent waterfalls were named for Captain Fredrick Lugard, who traveled through the Tsavo National Park while on an African exploring voyage. One of the greatest places in Tsavo National Park for animal watching is these waterfalls. Many animals congregate in a pool of water at the base of the Lugard waterfalls to quench their thirst.

Mubanda rocks: 

The Mubanda rocks are one of the most impressive and wonderful tourist destinations in Tsavo National Park. Mubanda rocks are situated in the Tsavo East national park and are plainly seen from the Manyani entrance gate. Animals are easily seen during the dry season in the water catchment regions that surround the Mubanda rocks.

Aruba Dam:

Aruba Dam: In the Tsavo East national park, Aruba Dam is located in the eastern section of the park to the east of Voi entry gate. Buffaloes, waterbucks, giraffes, zebras, duikers, elephants, warthogs, and many more creatures may frequently be spotted around Aruba Dam. The dry months are the greatest times to see these creatures around Aruba Dam.

Tsavo River: 

The park’s name derives from the Tsavo River. This river travels through the park’s eastern section before joining up with the rivers Galana and Athi and draining into the Indian Ocean.

Among the activities to take part in while on a safari in Kenya at the Tsavo East National Park are;

Game drives in the morning, afternoon, and evening, nature hikes, birding, and bird watching are just a few examples.

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