Lake Nakuru National Park

Being the main town in Kenya’s mid-western area and the fourth largest town overall, Lake Nakuru National Park is a great place to go on a safari in Kenya. It is situated in the south of Nakuru County, close to Nakuru Town.

The Kenya rift valley has the 188 square kilometer Lake Nakuru national park, which is located 164 kilometers north of Nairobi. The park’s geography is dominated by savannah grasslands, marshes, rocky terrain, and Lake Nakuru, which is 45 square kilometers in size.

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands has designated Lake Nakuru National Park as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park’s name, Masai Slag, means “place of dust” in Masai.

Millions of oink flamingos (greater and lesser flamingos), who live on the beaches of Lake Nakuru and are drawn to the lake due of the abundance of algae there, make the national park a popular destination for birdwatchers. At the Lake Nakuru National Park, there are many flamingoes that throng the lake’s shoreline, making it difficult to see the lake’s margins.

In addition to flamingos, the national park is home to over 400 other species of birds, including grebes, ducks, white-winged black terns, Abyssinian thrushes, and more. babbler with an arrow, Bateleur, Black-winged lapwing, Black-tailed godwit, Burning canary scrub robin with a brown back Crab-plover, European roller, Eastern imperial eagle crane with a grey crown Woodpecker with a grey head, Amazing snipe, a larger-spotted eagle, the grey-crested helmet shrike Starling of Hildebrandt, rufous sparrow of Kenya the lapwing vulture Lesser kestrel, Lesser flamingo, widowbird with a long tail, Duck Maccoa, White-eyes of Montane Arctic puffback, drab harrier, lark with a red hat wryneck with a rufous throat, Vogels of Rüppell, The robin-chat of Rüppell, Wheatear of Schalow, bright sunbird, Greenbul with a thin bill, Western reef heron, Speke’s weaver, Sooty falcon White-headed vulture, White-fronted bee-eater, and several others.

Rothschild’s giraffe, dik-diks, impalas, Burchell’s zebra, hippos, Grant’s gazelles, waterbucks, lions, leopards, and cheetahs are just a few of the numerous animal species that may be found in the national park. The Kenyan government established Lake Nakuru as a famous rhino sanctuary in 1970. It is estimated that there are roughly 100 white rhinos and 50 black rhinos there.

Activities for a Kenya safari in Lake Nakuru National Park

Game viewing

One of the best places in Kenya for game viewing is Lake Nakuru National Park, which is home to a variety of gorgeous animal species that can be observed on game viewing safaris, making the experience worthwhile.

The park offers morning and full-day game drives on a variety of paths that wind through the park. On a game watching safari, guests may observe lions, leopards, buffaloes, warthogs, waterbucks, Thomson gazelles, zebras, impalas, jackals, wild dogs, and rhinos among other stunning creatures.

By visiting the rhino sanctuary, which is home to approximately 100 white rhinos and roughly 50 black rhinos, the park provides visitors the chance to see the endangered rhinoceros (black and white).

Bird watching

A great place to go on a birding safari in Kenya is Lake Nakuru National Park, which serves as a haven for millions of pink flamingos drawn to the lake’s beaches by the algae. On a Kenya birding safari, visitors may see over 400 different bird species in the park, including the Abyssinian thrush, the Arrow-marked babbler, and many others. Bateleur, Godwits with black tails, Lapwing with black wings, Burning canary scrub robin with a brown back Crab-plover, European roller, Eastern imperial eagle crane with a grey crown Woodpecker with a grey head, Amazing snipe, a larger-spotted eagle, the grey-crested helmet shrike Starling of Hildebrandt, rufous sparrow of Kenya the lapwing vulture Maccoa duck, a lesser flamingo, a lesser kestrel, a long-tailed widowbird, White-eyes of Montane Arctic puffback, drab harrier, lark with a red hat The Rüppell’s robin-chat, the Rufous-throated wryneck, the Schalow’s wheatear, Slender-billed greenbul, shining sunbird, sooty falcon, weaver of Speke, Among others, White-fronted bee-eaters and the Western reef heron.

From November through April, when the park is in breeding season and many of the birds are in full plumage, is the greatest time to go on a birding safari in Kenya.

Walking safaris

The Lake Nakuru National Park is a breathtaking location for Kenya walking safaris. Walking safaris are a great way to explore many park areas that are inaccessible by car. In the Lake Nakuru National Park, walking safaris are conducted primarily along the lake’s shoreline and the park’s savannah plains. As you stroll through the park, you may see lions, leopards, impalas, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, and other animals as well as numerous birds, including flamingos, pelicans, and grey-headed woodpeckers.

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