Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is a park located on the border of Kenya and Uganda, Africa. It is one of the most visited parks in Uganda and it has a lot to offer. It has diverse flora and fauna, spectacular views of the Sipi falls, and some of the best hiking trails you will find on this continent that takes you to the incredible Mount Elgon. Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano that erupted more than 24 million years ago.

Mount Elgon National Park has got its highest peak Wagagai that stands on the elevation of 4,321 meters, and is the eighth highest in Africa. Uganda side of Mount Elgon national park covers an area of 1,110 km squared then the Kenyan section is smaller and covers an area of 169 km squared.

Attractions in Mount Elgon National Park.

Mount Elgon National Park is a popular tourist safari destination in Uganda. It offers spectacular views of the volcanic crater and is home to three major ecosystems.

Mount Elgon National Park is also known for its rich biodiversity and diverse plant and animal life. The park provides a glimpse of Uganda’s natural beauty, which includes forests, savannahs, rivers, lakes, waterfalls and more.

Bird species in Mount Elgon in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

The Mount Elgon National Park is a protected area in Uganda. The park is a home of over 300 bird species and it has been recognized as the Important Bird Area on a Uganda safari. Mount Elgon National Park is home to many colourful, bird species that live throughout the year. Some of these include the blue-winged kookaburra, the black-headed weaver, the white-tailed trogon African goshawk, Cinnamon-chested bee eater, the red-billed buffalo weaver and among many others.

Flora in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

The Mount Elgon National Park is a protected area in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Uganda. It is a home of unique and attractive flora, on a Uganda safari various travelers do witness the unique flora in the park. The vegetation in this park is varied, with different types of forest representing different ecological zones. The montane forest at the summit of the mountain consists of tall trees such as figs, kapok and redwood trees with mosses and lichens growing on their branches.

The flora provides habitat for over 100 species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. It also supports a rich variety of plants which includes aloes, bamboo, cedar trees and many other species found nowhere else on earth.

Mount Elgon in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mount Elgon is a mountain in Uganda is a key attraction to why the travelers come to visit Mount Elgon national park, the park inherits its name after the volcanic mountain located in the middle of the park, where the large part of the park is covered by Mount Elgon. Mount Elgon it’s the fourth mountain in East Africa and eighth in Africa. With an elevation of 3,000 meters. With four key points shared by Uganda and Kenya. That is someone can either access the mountain from Uganda or Kenya side.

Sipi falls in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Sipi falls are also major attractions in Mount Elgon national park. The falls are formed when River Sipi meets the end of the volcanic rock at the edge of the cave, your safari to Mount Elgon national park minus exploring Sipi falls cannot be complete.

Mammals in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mount Elgon national park is a home of various mammals like buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion, hyenas, duiker, waterbucks, monkeys, squirrels, the rare mountain reedbuck and many others. With the forested background of the park it inhabits various wildlife, not only the mountain being the major attraction in the park, the travelers on a safari come to spot different animal species. In Mount Elgon National Park.

Activities to do in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Rock climbing in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mount Elgon National Park is an important tourist attraction for rock climbers because of its unique landscape and diverse flora and fauna.

Mount Elgon National Park is home to some of the most challenging rock climbing routes in Africa, with various routes that have been climbed by various climbers from around the world. During rock climbing, Mount Elgon national park provides a rich diversity of wildlife including animals like buffalo, elephants, leopards, lions, and among others including the bird species.

Bird watching in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mount Elgon National Park is a forest reserve that is home to some of the most diverse bird species in East Africa. Mount Elgon National Park is home to many different types of birds that are rare and endemic. It’s not just a great safari place for birdwatchers, but also for those who want to see nature’s beauty and learn more about it. Some of the bird species in the park includes Lammergeier vultures, Hartlaub’s turaco, Tazacce sunbird, Black-shouldered kite, white-starred forest robin, Alpine chat, Weyn’s weaver, Moustached green tinker bird, Black-collared apalis, Red-throated wryneck and among many others.

Nature walks and hiking in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mount Elgon National Park is a very popular hiking safari destination in Uganda. Nature walks and hiking takes you to its summit Wagagai peak, this is where travelers takes different trails to adventure the beautiful mountain, that is you may select to have a guided walk to Mudange cliff or a guided walk to Sipi falls that takes you to 3 impressive three waterfalls that have got different elevations, and among many others according to your choice.

Mountain Biking in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mountain biking is a popular safari activity in Uganda. Mount Elgon National Park is one of the best places for mountain bikers to explore. This adrenaline safari activity can be enjoyed on a Uganda safari. The safari activity starts at Sipi and takes you to Kapchorwa that offers travelers chances to spot the Karamoja plains, hills, landscape, coffee plantations and among others.

Cultural tours in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Not only Mount Elgon National Park being a home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Cultural tours are the best way to learn more about the park. There are various tribes of people that stay along Mount Elgon National Park including the Sabiny and Bagisu. So during the cultural tour the tourists can experience, meet and interact with the locals in their homes, farms as they are doing different safari activities. Travelers can visit the coffee plantations at the slopes of the park and many others.

Game viewing in Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mount Elgon National Park is one of the best places to view game. It has some of the most beautiful game that can be seen on a Uganda safari. Mount Elgon National Park is home to a variety of animals such as the buffaloes, antelopes, lions, African bush elephant, and many other species. These animals are found in large numbers and can be seen easily in this park. The park consists of various plants and trees including baobab trees, acacias, and aloes that are endemic to East Africa which provides the homes to the diverse number of wildlife in the park

Best time to visit Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda.

Mount Elgon National Park can be visited at any time of the year. Though the best time to sit in the park is during the dry season in the months of June to August and November to March for perfect climbing, hiking and among many others. Then nature lovers visit the park during the period of November or December delights you with the wildflowers in the bloom.

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