Gorilla Habituation Experience

Gorilla Habituation Experience: Since the world got alerted to the plight of Africa’s endangered mountain gorillas by the famous American primatologist Dian Fossey, interest in these gentle giants and their conservation has greatly increased. Gorilla trekking has been a key element in the long – term protection of mountain gorilla population, this experience allows visitors to embark on a guided trek through the rainforest to spend an hour with a habituated gorilla troop in its natural habitat.

For some visitors, however, desire to spend more time with the gorilla troop and get to know it even more intimately. This desire led the Uganda Wildlife Authority to introduce the gorilla habituation experience, this immerse experience is even more limited in number than gorilla treks. Only 4 visitors are allowed to accompany a team of specialists for four hours as they track and engage with a gorilla troop that isn’t yet fully used to the presence of humans. This is a truly special experience, enjoyed by very few and more immersive than a standard gorilla trekking experience.

For anyone who loves gorillas and also has an interest in the work that goes on behind the scenes, we recommend taking on a gorilla habituation experience while on a Uganda Safari.

What is Gorilla Habituation?

Gorilla Habituation refers to as a slow process through which a specific a troop wild gorillas get used to the presence of humans.

Note: Only habituated gorilla groups are visited on gorilla trekking experience, unhabituated troops are left alone.

Gorilla habituation is done for safety and well-being of both mountain gorillas and humans. The process is undertaken by a team of specialists that includes conservationists, trackers, researchers and park rangers. Usually the process takes over a span of two to three years.

Gorilla Habituation Experience
Gorilla Habituation Experience

The Gorilla Habituation Process allows the team to understand the gorillas deeper and individually, know their behaviors and even get to the point of naming every single one of them. In the end, if the researchers are certain that the wild gorillas are okay with the presence of people, a mock exercise is done as a way of testing to prove their facts. When the gorillas pass undergo this kind of exercise which now includes journalists and scientists, the gorilla group is then available for trekking.

The overall, long-term aim is to eliminate the fear gorillas naturally feel for humans. By being around the gorillas every day and showing them that the team is not a threat, the gorillas learn to be calm and go about life in the presence of humans. So by the end of the long habituation process, the mountain gorilla wild is still wild, still lives in its natural habitat and goes about its normal daily activities. The only that has changed is that the troop is now unfazed by the presence of a small group of humans.

What is a Gorilla Habituation Experience?

A gorilla habituation experience is a term used to refer to the time a visitor spends with a team of specialists as they engage in the process of getting a gorilla troop used to human presence. More specifically, a gorilla habituation experience is a four-hour session in which just four visitors a day are allowed to tag along with the specialists as they go about the various practices involved in getting a gorilla troop habituated.

Gorilla Habituation experience have only been available since 2016. With only four visitors allowed per day, you can see that relatively few have ever enjoyed the honor of going on a habituation experience.

What to Expect in Gorilla Habituation Experience

A gorilla habituation experience begins with an early morning briefing in which the ranger will explain what to expect and some do’s and don’t’s when in the presence of the troop.

Then you will head out with the habituation team into the forest, you will head out much earlier than the gorilla trekking groups. Led by a tracker or two, you will hike into the mountains in search of a troop, you will see how they look for the trail and the nests used by the troop during the night. This is part of the gorilla habituation process, seeing how the trackers work to find a troop.

Later in the day you are able to head straight towards a troop because the trackers have already pinpointed the troop’s various locations. When you find the troop, the rangers will do things like make gorilla calls and grunts. They will also chop vegetation with their machetes and talk among themselves, this is done to get the gorillas used to these noises.

Gorilla Habituation Experience
Time with mountain gorillas

The habituation team will also tell you about the troop being visited. This includes things like the names of each gorillas, and their habits and personalities.

It is important to note that their might be shyer gorillas most especially of the troop you track is early on in the habituation process, the individual are going to be quite shy around humans. This means you may not get as close to them as you would on a regular gorilla trek. Some may even stay hidden.

So it is important to understand that a gorilla habituation experience often introduces visitors to a troop that is shy and nervous around humans. In one sense you are getting a more authentic experience with the gorillas. But some could be disappointed if they are expecting a really close-up encounter.

All that said, if your troop is far along in the habituation process, then you may well have a very intimate session with them. We advise managing your expectations, and then if you don’t get a really friendly troop, luck you!

The Four Hours include Tracking Time

Also note that some of the four hours of habituation experience involve tracking the gorillas. Specifically, the time spent tracking the gorillas from their night – time nests is considered part of the experience. So you won’t necessarily spend four hours in their presence.

How fit do I need to be?

A gorilla habituation experience usually involves hiking for a few hours, so you need reasonable fitness to cope. It is often also muddy and slippery, so you want to be reasonably sure – footed.

Many trekkers hire porters to help carry their backpacks and we encourage this. Not only does it provide much – needed work, you really feel the advantage. They spring along with your backpacks, while most visitors find the trek plenty tough enough even without a pack on their backs.

Is there an age limit?

Children under the age 15 aren’t allowed to go on a gorilla habituation experience.

Where to do Gorilla Habituation Experience & its cost?

Gorilla habituation experience is only offered in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Rushaga Sector.

A gorilla habituation permit costs US$ 1,500 per person.

Due to limit number of gorilla habituation permits issued on a daily, it is recommended you book for your permit at least six months in advance, especially if you want to go during the dry seasons.

Is Gorilla Habituation Experience Safari

Yes, a gorilla habituation experience is safe. This is because you are in the presence of professionals who known what to do while around the gorilla troop. Of course you must obey all the instructions and follow all the directions to actually stay safe.

If they are unhappy, gorillas will let you know. For example the silverback might pound his chest, the rangers are well trained in understanding and responding responsibly to these signals.



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